Further indications for a dermatoscope
The main indication for a dermatoscope is the diagnosis and differentiation of skin tumours in the frame of a skin cancer screening. The dermatoscope is however increasingly used to examine other skin diseases as well. Due to its handiness it can be used anytime and anywhere and offers great advantages when it comes to examining skin changes that the naked eye cannot see.
A dermatoscope for example helps differentiating precisely between foreign bodies such as splitter, the rest of a thread or remaining mouth parts of a tick. Parasite infections can also be diagnosed accurately.
Hair and nail diagnostics is greatly simplified, as you can differentiate clearly from other illnesses. Skin changes of classic skin diseases such as atopic eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, Morbus Grover or Lichen Ruber often reveal clinical aspects, which can be better seen with the help of a dermatoscope.

Sarcoptes scabiei

Lyme borreliosis

Harmless, non-infectious, inflammatory loss of hair

Pediculus humanus capitis