HEINE Standard F.O. 4 LED NT Laryngoscope Handle
HEINE Standard F.O. 4 NT Laryngoscope Handles can be converted from battery to rechargeable handles by simply exchanging the bottom insert.
- ISO 7376 (green standard)
- Fade-Out Feature
- LED in HEINE Quality – or LED HQ.
More details
Compatible with all laryngoscope blades to the ISO 7376 (green standard).
HEINE Standard F.O. 4 NT Laryngoscope Handles can be converted from battery to rechargeable handles by simply exchanging the bottom insert.
Fade-Out Feature: brightness reduces slowly even with low residual capacity, for even more efficient use of dry or rechargeable batteries.
There’s LED. And there’s LEDHQ. HEINE has set a new standard which maintains that only the best is good enough, from the selection of materials to processing, from light intensity and thermal management to a colour rendering index as high as possible. That’s what we call LED in HEINE Quality – or LEDHQ.
Product information
Instructions for use | Reprocessing
Others | Declaration of conformity
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Further articles | Accessories HEINE Standard F.O. 4 LED NT Laryngoscope Handle



without bottom cap
F-008.22.890FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How can I do the spaulding classification?
Which Brush shall I use for which surface?
• For the easy to access surfaces, use a large brush
• For the difficult to access places brush them at least 5 times using a small, round plastic brush.
What do I need aditionally for manual disinfection?
• Clean disinfection container or sink / Size: at least 30 x 30 x 10 cm
• sterile, dry cloth
• Sterile demineralized water
What must I consider in terms of manual disinfection?
Avoid air pockets.
What must I consider in terms of automated cleaning and disinfection?
• The washer/disinfector must be loaded so as not to interfere with the result of the cleaning procedure.
• Rinsing processes must guarantee that all areas are sufficiently free of residue.
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