HEINE DELTAone limited edition

DarkNight and RoseWhite

HEINE is excited to present a limited edition of the hugely popular HEINE DELTAone dermatoscopes.

So be quick – who knows how long these two picture-perfect HEINE DELTAone dermatoscopes will even be around for.


Limited edition: HEINE DELTAone DarkNight

Catalogue Number: K-212.28.305


Limited edition: HEINE DELTAone RoseWhite

Catalogue Number: K-213.28.305

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HEINE DELTAone dermatoscope

Small on the outside, big on the inside – this mobile masterpiece is taking medical professionals by storm.

The crystal-clear image was accomplished using the achromatic HEINE optical system.

Uniting diagnostic precision and mobility.

  • Fits into any pocket
  • Extremely sharp image with the new achromatic HEINE optical system
  • Excellent colour rendering due to LED HQ
  • Digital documentation with the exclusive HEINE DERM app or the HEINE DERManager
  • Polarisation eliminates reflections and glare
  • Fast change from contact to non-contact examination