HEINE LED HQ Module for BETA direct ophthalmoscope 3,5V
The new HEINE LEDHQ module shines for eternity. If you consider the ordering costs, the shipping costs and the costs of changing the bulb itself, the upgrade pays for itself after around 3 XHL bulb purchases. Since the LEDHQ module consumes less power, the single-use battery or the battery charge lasts longer, and the rechargeable batteries’ durability is also increased since charging is required less often. It’s good for the environment, since there’s less battery waste!So use the original HEINE spare part, as this is the only way to stay covered under the guarantee.
- Virtually unlimited durability with LED HQ in HEINE quality
- Amortisation after around 3 bulb purchases
- Maintenance-free and reliably ready for use
- Longer running times for both single-use batteries and rechargeable batteries thanks to lower power consumption
- Sustainable, as this is not a consumable product and there is less battery waste
- Tested spare part guarantees patient safety*
In this short video we show you how the upgrade works and how to insert the new HEINE LEDHQ module instead of an XHL bulb.
*Only the original is as good as the original. Use HEINE ORIGINAL PARTS and not third-party products from other manufacturers. Only then will our guarantee apply and performance features such as colour rendering, function and safety of our examination instruments are always guaranteed.
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